aidíocht sheallbhach - possessions
This is for possesssions, so when you are saying, my___, his___ etc,
For this you use:
my - mo
your - do
his - a
her - a
our - ár
you (pl) - bhur
their - a
When using these before a word that begins with a constanant eg carr
Mo + shéimhú (h) Mo charr
Do + shéimhú (h) Do charr
a (masc) + shéimhú (h) a charr
a (fem) no change a carr
Ár + urú Ár gcarr
Bhur + urú Bhur gcarr
A (pl) + urú a gcarr
When using these before a word that begins with a vowel eg oráiste
Mo M'_______ m'oráiste
Do D'_______ d'oráiste
a (masc) no change a orásite
a (fem) h before a horáiste
Ár Urú n-_____ Ár n-oráiste
Bhur Urú n-______ Bhur n-oráiste
a (pl) Urú n-______ a n-oráiste